Create account and login to my account

GK8 registration proccess made it fast, easy, and straightforward for all users to open their accounts. On the home page site, click the JOIN NOW button at your screen's top right corner. You'll be then redirector to the registration section. Make sure you add the following details when opening an account:

Username: Ensure you create a unique username that you?ll be using to enter the website

Password: You will be required to create a password between 8-10 characters wide, composed of numbers and letters. Luckily, this is not very case-sensitive. Just take note to keep your password private.

Full name: Ensure you include a correct, complete name for payment authentication purposes.

Date of Birth: For verification purposes, make sure you add your real date of birth.

Contact Number: Kindly present a valid phone number for better security and support of your account.

Currency: Add the currency you like to utilize for removing or depositing and wagering.

Note, you should agree to make an account at or above the age of 18. Always accept the terms and conditions provided.

After register you will automaticly login and taken to your account page.

If you already have account  just click login in home page right corner and than put your login credential. 

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